katie + jared
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October 31, 2013
By j
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The just don't come much cuter than these two. And the best part, Jared is ALMOST as goofy as I am. So you know we had fun with this engagement session! And they both can rock out the "off in the distance stare" too! AND when I said, "hey guys, leave your car double parked here and stand in the middle of this intersection" they didn't even flinch! HA! That's a pretty good combination! That's how Ii like my clients; laid back, fun and willing to do whatever we have to get "the shot".

 Can't wait to see what we'll capture this Spring with your Graham Chapel Ceremony and reception at Moulin! In the meantime, enjoy a few of my faves from your session!













How do you get a shot at one of the busiest restaurants in the CWE? Well you think outside of the box a little ;)

Drunken Fish is one their favorite places to hang so I made sure we got the shot! Even it meant double parking and blocking traffic while they kissed!









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